How to cut income tax outgo by Rs 75,000 with NPS, health insurance

How to cut income tax outgo by Rs 75,000 with NPS, health insurance

Bengaluru-based marketing professional Karan Tuteja pays a low tax because his salary structure is quite tax-friendly. Even so, there is scope to bring it down further. TaxSpanner estimates that Tuteja can reduce his tax by around Rs.75,000 if his company offers him some taxfree emoluments as well as the NPS benefit. Tuteja also needs to invest in the pension scheme on his own, buy health insurance for his parents, and avoid booking taxable capital gains.

Tuteja should start by asking for the NPS benefit. Under Section 80CCD(2), up to 10% of the employee’s basic salary put in the pension scheme is tax-free. If his company agrees to put Rs.7,033 (10% of basic pay) in the NPS every month, his annual tax will reduce by about Rs.26,400. Tuteja is overinvesting in tax-saving investments. He should reduce the SIPs in ELSS funds and invest in the NPS instead. He can save another Rs.15,600 in tax if he invests Rs.50,000 in the NPS on his own under Section 80CCD(1b).Next, he should ask for a few taxfriendly perks. Newspaper allowance of Rs.1,000 per month and meal coupons worth Rs.2,200 per month will reduce his tax by around Rs.12,000.


Tuteja is covered by the group health insurance, but he has also bought a cover on his own. If he buys health insurance for his parents as well, he can save more tax. A premium of Rs.45,000 will cut his tax by Rs.14,000.


Tuteja made short-term capital gains from equity investments last year. He should consider holding his stocks and funds for more than a year to avail of tax exemption for long-term capital gains.

Paying too much tax? Write to us at etwealth@ with ‘Optimise my tax’ as the subject. Our experts will tell you how to reduce your tax by rejigging your pay and investments.

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