Larger banks benefit more from short term rate hikes: Study

Larger banks benefit more from short term rate hikes: Study

Large banks benefit more from short term spikes in interest rates rather than losses on mark to market, as they get to lend funds at a higher rate while cost of funds rise generally lag, said a research paper by Reserve Bank of India economists.

Monetary policy shocks that could arise due to hardening of interest rates account for a significant fraction of the volatility of the yield curve, especially at shorter maturities. In the current context for an emerging market economy like India, synchronised increase in policy rates by the United States and other advanced economies has a spillover impact on domestic financial markets.

With large exposure of banks’ balance sheets to government securities,

rising yields due to interest rate hikes impact the trading book of banks. “ Apart from the direct impact on the trading book of banks, empirical literature suggests that higher yields with steeper yield curves are associated with higher NIMs “ said a research paper by Radheshyam Verma and Rakesh Kumar published in the latest monthly bulletin published by the central bank . The views are however of the authors and the central bank. NIMs or net interest margins is a measure of profitability of banks on account of interest income. The study investigates the impact of changes in domestic treasury yield on the profitability of banks in India

Banks are generally reluctant to raise deposit rates as interest rates rise unless they witness shortage of structural liquidity. At the same time, with repricing of loans in the external benchmarking framework, higher rates are passed to existing and new loans. “ Thus an increase in interest rates contributes to rising NIMs, as interest income increases faster than interest expense” the authors say. “ In case of larger banks, the impact of rise in interest rates on NIM was found to be marginally higher, reflecting better management of their asset-liability profile”.

The authors found that short-term yields and the slope of the yield curve had a negative impact on trading income for the period Q1’2015-16 to Q1’2022-23. In the case of larger banks, the impact of short-term yield on trading income was found to be smaller as compared to the full sample of banks which also included smaller banks. NIM was found to be a bit more responsive to the short-term rate in the case of larger banks, implying that larger banks may have managed the impact of rising yields better.With the systemic impact of interest rates on financial markets, the MTM losses have been a major source of concern for both banks and regulators. But macroprudential measures such as the creation of IFR have provided cushion to the banking sector against the current episode of hardening of yields.

Going forward, strengthening of risk management practices and internal controls by banks remains of paramount importance, the authors say.

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