Though there is no HRA component in his salary, he can still claim exemption for the rent he pays. Under Section 80GG, one can claim exemption for rent of up to Rs.5,000 a month, provided one does not own a property in the same city. This can reduce Grover’s net taxable income by Rs.60,000. Next, his company should consider breaking up the salary into different components. Reimbursement of travel, phone and newspaper expenses, for instance, are tax-free up to reasonable limits. If Grover gets fuel and travel reimbursements of Rs.36,000 (Rs.3,000 a month), telephone allowance of Rs.12,000 (Rs.1,000 a month), and books and newspaper allowance of Rs.12,000 (Rs.1,000 a month), his taxable income will come down by Rs.60,000. Meal coupons of Rs.2,000 per month can shave off another Rs.24,000 from the taxable income. While these steps will reduce his taxable income, Grover must liquidate his fixed deposits, which add to his income and put him back in the tax net. He also needs to manage his equity investments to avoid LTCG tax.
Paying too much tax? Write to us at etwealth@ with ‘Optimise my tax’ as the subject. Our experts will tell you how to reduce your tax by rejigging your pay and investments.